This site is seriously......seriously....viewed best with IE 5...
"Mama Told Me Not To Come" by Three Dog Night
Climb on up in and stay a COULD be more dusty than it is, but..HEY!
The Ideas and Dreams are constantly SWIRLING! There's Big Pillows
and Beanbags to sit on; the incense is burning...
You'll find all kinds of places to travel to, and, you never have to
leave your chair! (Ain't technology grand?)
EVERYONE is Welcome, here, no matter what your belief systems are. I
honor and respect every individual's Chosen Path. I just ask that, in
return, please respect mine, as well. We all can learn a lot from each
other, without hatred, arguing, and throwing out bad vibes at one
another! So.......
Climb on UP and DIG The PEACE!
"Thank You" to our friends around the world.
Keeping up a website is sorta like trying to keep the 'ole homestead straightened up - some days, it ain't gonna happen! But, I hope that you will enjoy hanging out here, and, I hope you'll find some peace in your spirit, laughter, and, maybe a reason or two to go out and spread some kindness about the web, the neighborhood, work, school, wherever you may roam...You'll find my various pages, and, websites of many beautiful people scattered about this site - all of us, trying to promote peace and understanding of each other and our wonderful individual selves!

(Which should actually be "A Peek in the Hippie's HEAD!")
CLICK the "BIGEYE" to surf the Web's BEST sites on everything!
Steal this image!
I get a lot of e-mail from kind folks who are looking for links with information to help on term papers, reports, etc. regarding the hippie generation. Here's a great Link Page with tons of info to help out!
I feel that alot of Visitors to my site are missing the
It's at the BOTTOM of this Page! PLEASE SIGN IN!
You can also
I am joining my friend,
in signing off my e-mails with
~PEACE!Pass It On!~
Also, check out Jim's
site and join the campaign to spread Peace on the internet!
*Feel FREE to download the graphic shown above and spread it around the Net!
I would like to encourage as many folks as possible to join us. Even
the smallest gestures of PEACE can have a "snowball"effect!
*Where would I be without my Great and Spirited friend, Ladybear? Lost! Check out her BeauTiful site!
CLICK to Learn about the Tibetan people, the country, the art, and the
horribly cruel and inhumane treatment of the Tibetans by the Chinese
government; PLEASE educate yourself and help others take action!
Before you get lost in all of the links, don't forget to BOOKMARK this page, or add it to your FAVORITES! (*As in life, some of us tend to wander around the web, then, forget where we started...) (*wink) ENJOY!
HIPPIE NEIL'S FREAKY TRIP: Hippie Neil has moved to Geocities, but, his site is still a *TRIP*!
WOODSTOCK '69: It's like visiting.....Holy Ground! Check out never-before seen photos!
PEACE FRIENDS Home Page: More friends are always welcome ~ especially PEACEFUL ones!
HIPPYLAND: A frequently visited site by ALL hippies! Drop in and party down!
*THE FARM*: Drop in my peaceful neighbors down the road!
*THE FARM COMMUNITY*: The Second site of The Farm community in Summertown, Tennessee, USA!
VOWS OF PEACE: Take the vows, share them, and let's get the message of PEACE out!
CENTRAL SUN: Basic metaphysics to help along your Journey...
MAIL ORDER CATALOG for Healthy Living: I get a lot of my food from these good people - shop online or request a free catalog!
beautiful hippie abode, where you'll find yourself wandering peacefully for hours!
PIEMAN: Happiness is truly a cream pie when Aaron Kay (a.k.a. "Pieman") strikes! Jeez, people....ya gotta love him...
TIE-DYE GUY: This fellow has the coolest
tie-dye clothing for big folks and kids. There's other stuff, too......!
TEXAS POP FESTIVAL: This dude has a far-out site - and, if you went to the Labor Day '69 festival, he's lookin' for 'ya!
YIKES! It's another NEW Page to this Site! It's a LOFT Party, maaaan...
Click on the Peace Sign to get to the "World's Largest Peace Sign Collection" and "History of the Peace Sign"!

Copyright © 1998-2000, Inc. All rights reserved.
If you'd like to link to this page, you can use the banner below. Please upload it to your own files!
Click the face above to visit THE Best and funniest card site on the Net!
 *FREE* |
I did some rearranging around the Loft, lately, putting all of the Webrings
that I belong to, and, Awards that I have received on their own individual page. Sometimes you just have to sit down and sort through your stuff and put things where you can find them, easily, eh? If you'd like to check them out, just click a button below:
"Thanks" to the following kind folks for the use of their graphics, somewhere on this site! Creative minds abound, and, by clicking on the logos below, you'll see what I mean!
Find anything that you need with THE fastest search engine on the Web!
*On 11/1/2002, I toyed around with something on this site...!