Hangin' Out In The Loft
"Good Times, Bad Times" by Led Zeppelin
OK......I'm into Peace...and, lots of it! At the end of a long day at work, I'm ready to remind myself that life is still good, and, laughing or getting "WoW-ed" is a groovy way to unwind. Most of these links have been sent by friends via e-mail, then, there are a few that I stumbled upon in my own cyber travels. I wanted to share them with you, so,
You can sit down and relax in my beanbag chair...
The choice is your's! Just remember that life is most enjoyable when you keep an open mind, and don't take things too seriously or literally. You'll have to admit - the Human Race is a very laughable lot! And, as you'll see, those open minds can make us very creative, as well! So, make yourself at home, and Enjoy hangin' out in my humble Loft!
(TV and Radio to get the Music happenin'...)
Events leading up to the first *~RaInBoW Gathering~*!

GooD 'Ole Hippie Art:
OK, so, I don't want anyone to even imagine that I promote putting frogs in blenders or nuking gerbils in the 'ole microwave, but.........if the humorous side of your brain remains OPEN, then, you'll need adult diapers after you spend a while on THIS dude's site!!! (*blushing - I have to admit, I almost peed my pants from laughing...!) Click on the rotating froggie:
Wooooo-hoooooo! The Old Dude has got lava lamps, black lights, and loads of 60's and 70's stuff for some real HiPPie decoratin'! This is an ultimately far-out place to go and, well....just hang out! Drop in and say "Howdy":
Yikes! Computer viruses? Glitches? Wanna pull your hair out? Don't! Drop in at PC Hell and find the cure for your woes! I highly recommend it!
*Get yourself one of those beanbag chairs shown at the top of the page, or, choose a
different style (like, a bag with arms, and, even a loveseat!). The prices are more affordable than most I've seen, too! Check out this link to see the beanbags:
Okaaaay...ya ain't lived until you've spent a stormy night in one of these!
(Yep - I have lived in a few of them, so, I can laugh at this site!)
Mo' Trailers, 'Mo FUN, Missouri-style!
Every morning, I stumble out of bed, grab a cup of java, and log on to play my daily video poker game. It helps to get the 'ole brain jump-started, and, I enjoy trying to get high score (or, even, in the top ten!). Wanna play?
*Shockwave Plug-in required!
Sometimes, we ALL need a little advice...
OK - now to the serious advice... The Dancing Naked Llama was fun, but, Dave has some real down-to-the-nitty-gritty advice on money, love, and life in general. Dave has been in the very bowels (sorry - nurse talk!) of financial woes, and the personal and spiritual agony that goes along with it. Have a look at the site, and, have a listen...

(Copyright © 1998-2000 annex.com, Inc. All rights reserved.)
*Ladybear says I must've been trippin' when I made this page! She sent me the genie...
"Magic Carpet Ride"? You decide.....LoL!
This gentleman doesn't have a clue regarding the times that I have went
to his site searching for HTML help! Whatever your html needs are
in building your webpages, you can count on finding them here:
*Thanks for the Good Karma, Harpeau! I NEED it!
You're number
to hang out and party in the Hippie's Loft!
(*You can LINK me with the bar, above, if 'ya wanna......)
©Calvin and Hobbes